Saturday, February 20, 2021

Film Opening Idea

    After extensive research and brainstorming me and my partner decided on making our drama film opening about a general case of a confused senior who doesn't know where he's going in life or what step to take next. This is something I can often see in school by simply gazing at those who surround me, I see many people who don't have a clear view of who they want to be later on in their future.

    This being said our main goal is to convey a typical and relatable problem students have now a days. One might think this would be hard to convey on a short film opening, but with the use of the drama genre we can easily display this idea to the audience. Like I mentioned on my research post about the drama genre  as long as the conflict is realistic and the character shows a sense of development throughout the small amount of time, we will have a promising film opening.

    Now that I touched all over these points here's our main idea. The plot for the film opening and ultimately the movie will be based on the struggles of a typical teen in highschool, a senior who spent his high school years doing his homework, making friends, and playing video games, and has no idea on where to go in life. During his last year of highschool he finally finds help from a friend who aspires to find out what he really likes. They go on a path of discovery to really figure out what his future will look like.

    After this entire adventure he loses hope due to the fact that his friend has parted ways from him due to his personal reasons.  As a way of remembering and celebrating their friendship he sticks to his friends recommendation and manages to get into college. Even after achieving all of these great things he still wonders if he has really succeeded. Has he really found out what he really loves to do? only time could tell.

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Creative Critical Reflection: Borderline

 Finally finished the project, it was a long ride without a doubt. Watch my CCR here !