Our movie film opening is based on a common teens life in school, and his problems with his future, and career. Since he will be actively be demonstrated in school and at his friends house I decided it would be really easy if I chose to film, well, at school and at one of our houses. There might be some in between scenes where we might have to film in specific places such as, the track, or a park, due to one of our main characters personality traits.
Filming at school would most definitely be the hardest part so in case any problems arise we should be able to improvise at home since me and my partner are great thinkers, and always ready to find a new path to our challenges. Hopefully this wont be the case and we can go into school to film for a couple of hours with a pass or special access.
On the other hand we should be able to easily film at one of our houses, as long as we keep our safety and quickly/efficiently finish recording, its going to bring great opportunities for our film opening.